공식 부스 예약 사이트
중국 상하이 자동차 제조 기술 및 장비 및 자재 전시회 2025
Shanghai International Automotive Manufacturing Technology & Material Show 2025 (AMTS 2025)
개최 일정
2025년 07월 09일(수) - 11일(금)
개최 장소
중국 상하이 (Shanghai New International Expo Centre (SNIEC))
서비스를 선택해 주세요.
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자동 적용되기 때문에 가격이 증가합니다.
참가할 부스 규모와 타입을 선택해 주세요.
정확한 부스비는 반드시, 서비스 진행 중에 인보이스를 받아 보시고 확인해 주세요.
※ 서비스 요금을 입금하시면, 참가 절차가 진행됩니다. 부스비 인보이스는 추후에 보내드립니다.
※ 선택한 '참가업무 지원 서비스'에 따라 업무 지원이 진행됩니다.
박람회 설명
AMTS is an unique professional exhibition for the automotive engineering industry. The show is an ideal platform for international companies to enter China’s Automotive manufacturing market, introduce the latest technology and meet with key industry players from auto OEMs, system integrators, tier 1&2 suppliers, vehicle and component R&D and manufacturing facilities. AMTS attracts hundreds of exhibitors from China, Germany, Japan, Korea, Italy, Spain, Russia, France, Canada, the United States, United Kingdom, Sweden, Denmark, Switzerland, showcasing the most diverse range of products and solutions in automotive manufacturing including car body stamping, welding and joining, painting, automotive assembly, auto parts machining engineering, assembly and testing, vehicle materials and design, vehicle development and trial production, intelligent production line logistics, quality control and testing and other fields. In 2022, AMTS will be adding new sectors: Lightweight Materials, New Energy Engineering and Commercial Vehicle Engineering. Also featured will be high-tech innovations in future vehicle development, such as intelligent vehicle networks, AR/VR, latest in automation and automotive electronics. Through brand new online, onsite, marketing, and customized events, AMTS provides the cutting-edge technology trends anytime, anywhere, and builds new connections with industry leaders between audiences to promote the development of China's automotive engineering industry. AMTS has been successfully held for 15 years with more than 200+ professional buyer delegations from auto OEMs and System integrators that make up only fraction of the tens of thousands of automotive engineering professionals who are joining the show to network, source, learn and explore together with 800 exhibitors during AMTS 2022.
개최 일정 | 2025년 07월 09일(수) - 11일(금) |
개최 시간 | 09:00 ~ 17:00 단, 마지막 날은 15:30까지 |
개최 장소 | Shanghai New International Expo Centre (SNIEC) |
도시/국가 | Shanghai / 중국 |
개최 주기 | 1회 / 1년 |
참가기업 수 | 1,000 개 기업 |
총 방문자 수 | 90,000 명 |
공식 홈페이지 |
또는 로그인후 궁금하신 내용을 작성해 주세요.